Excellence, uniqueness and individuality are the elements that describe the fashion world and "Made in Italy". In the Italian fashion panorama there is no company alike another. Protect and transfer their specific knowledge, their experties and "know-how" is vital for these companies.
How many times the imminent departure of experienced employees has been followed by a feeling of concern and bewilderment in the company? And how many times have difficulties emerged in the process of filling those openings? Istituto Secoli has developed a unique system that not only maintains the precious knowledge within a company - often implicit and hard to identify. But can also map the experties, enhance them and update them: The Factory Academy.
The transfer techniques of the knowledge and the stroytelling are at the core of this innovative system. Its goals include encouraging the cooperation and the talent expressed by the employees. Thus, helping the company to engage with confidence and to deal with the challenges of the fashion market. Always nurturing their experties heritage.
The FA system is developed on three levels: starting with a 'basic training', the first level aims at standardising the technical language; the second, the 'maintenance training', provides the preparation of a teaching team within the company; and the third and last level, the 'growth, development and research training', is designed to provide polyvalence and professional references for internal development.